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椎体成形术的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 通过对骨质疏松的山羊椎体成形探讨椎体成形术的安全性和临床应用依据。材料与方法 将 5只复制成功的骨质疏松的山羊每只取 3个椎体 (L1~L5)共 15个椎体作为手术组 ,2个椎体 (L1~L5)共 10个椎体作对照组。手术解剖出椎弓根直视下椎体穿刺 ,注入聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 (PMMA ,骨水泥 )。测量椎体中心、椎体前缘和椎体后缘的温度变化。CT检查椎体骨水泥充填情况。 3天后处死动物每只取 1个注射椎体共 5个椎体行病理检查。将另 10个注射椎体和 10个未手术对照组椎体游离成单个椎体 ,去掉椎间盘和椎体附件 ,双盲法测量其纵向最大负载、极限强度、弹性模量。结果 注射后椎体的最大负载、极限强度、弹性模量比对照组明显提高 (P <0 .0 5 )。注射骨水泥后椎体内中心温度为 5 1.12℃ ,椎体前缘 37.31℃ ,后缘 37.6 1℃。大体病理和显微病理显示骨水泥弥散在椎体内骨小梁间呈不均匀分布 ,同CT检查结果一致。结论 掌握适宜的粉液比例和注射时机是椎体成形术的关键因素 ,椎体内注入骨水泥可显著增强其纵向最大负载、极限强度、弹性模量  相似文献   
目的:探讨甲状腺功能五项的参考范围及之间量的关系。方法:用免疫化学发光测定技术检测排除了有干扰人群后的正常人其甲状腺功能五项的参考范围及之间关系。结果:FT4仅占TT4的0.01%;FT3仅占TL的0.18%;TT4占TL与TT4总量的98,53%;FT4物质的量达FL物质的量的4.4倍。结论:以往的文献及教科书上有关于FT4占FT4的0.03%(甚至有说0.05%的)、FT3占TT3的0.3%(有说0.5%的)、FL的生物学效应是FT4的3~5倍等的说法不一定准确,至少可以说明以上比例关系不适合我们地区的人群  相似文献   
目的:探讨混合苯对作业工人遗传物质是否有损害。方法:采用微核技术对混合苯作业工人41人进行微核及染色体断裂率观察。结果:工人的微核率、微核细胞率及染色体断裂三项指标分别为14.49‰、12.97‰、1.75%均明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。在岗年限6年以上组三项指标均高于在岗年限5年以下组(P<0.01)。结论:混合苯对作业工人遗传物质具有损害作用。其损害程度随着接触时间呈递增趋势。  相似文献   
Abstract The antibacterial activity of potential retrograde root filling materials was assessed using the agar diffusion inhibitory test. A light-cured glass ionomer cement (Vitrebond) and three reinforced zinc oxide-eugenol cements (Kalzinol, IRM & ethoxybenzoic acid [EBA] cement) were compared with amalgam, a commonly used retrograde root filling material. Forty standardized pellets of each material were produced. Fresh, and materials aged for 1 week in sterile distilled water, were placed on blood agar plates inoculated with Streptococcus anginosus (milleri) or Enter -ococcus faecalis. At intervals of 3, 7 and 10 days, the presence and diameter of zones of inhibition were recorded. The diameter of the zones of inhibition increased with time for all materials, both fresh and aged. Vitrebond had the most pronounced antibacterial activity against both bacteria, producing the largest zone of inhibition, followed by Kalzinol. Amalgam had no measurable inhibitory effect whether aged or fresh, regardless of the period of exposure. There was no statistically significant difference in the response of the two bacteria. However, there were statistically significant differences between materials, period of exposure, and between fresh and aged materials (P < 0.001). Kalzinol, IRM and EBA cement were more antibacterial when aged than fresh, whilst Vitrebond was more active when fresh. Vitrebond was the only material for which the diameter of the zones of inhibition was reduced after ageing but it had the most pronounced antibacterial activity compared with the other materials. The antibacterial activity of the materials was ranked in the following order: Vitrebond > Kalzinol > (IRM = EBA cement) > amalgam.  相似文献   
论述赋予介入器械的材料表面润滑性、抗菌性、抗凝血性及抗组织增生等性能的各种表面改性技术的现状,讨论这些技术的一些应用的实例,提出需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
This paper presents the construction and the validation of a volumic crash detailed model of different spotwelded coupons using the finite element method. The goal of this detailed model is to provide input data for the validation of a simplified model, which will be later on implemented in the complete car model. First, by studying a weld’s cross section, three different areas (spot weld, heat affected zone and basis material) have been identified and characterized using the Vickers hardness test. Moreover, the geometry of the specimen has been carefully analyzed to construct an accurate FE-model. To reflect the different mechanical properties of each zone, a simple method based on the extrapolation of the tensile strength from the Vickers hardness has been used. To compute the damage and the rupture inside the specimen, the Gurson material model implemented in the explicit time integration method “LS-DYNA3D” has been used. The global accuracy of the detailed model is checked by comparing the simulated and experimental force/displacement curves and the weld’s rupture mode under a quasi-static load case of 10 mm/min. This study shows that detailed models of shear-tension, lap-shear and coach-peel specimens are validated for a mild steel.  相似文献   
用SEM观察6种复合树脂充填物与酸蚀牙齿间密合度。结果表明6种复合树脂充填物与牙齿间均有微缝隙,其宽度多数在5μm内,最宽为10~15μm。1月后再观察,清晰见到从酸蚀牙本质小管曳出的树脂突,其曳出方向与缝隙形成可能有关。  相似文献   
Circulating antisperm antibodies (AsAb) and immunosuppressive material in seminal plasma (SPIM)were determined by solid-phase enzyme staining assay and anticomplement test respectively in 686 patients with abortion (including 285 couples) . 241 fertile couple served as control. It's found that the positive rate of AsAb in infertile patients was significantly higher than that in fertile control,being 36.6% vs 3.3% (P<0.001). AsAb was even more offen detected in recurrent aborting patients. Male patients whose spouses aborted 2-6 fetuses had significantly less SPIM than control, sperm count and sperm motility were also significantly decreased. But the incidence of pyospermia was significantly greater than that in control. It is concluded that AsAb and SPIM have played an important role in the development of recurrent abortions.  相似文献   
目的:观察高良姜、大高良姜、红豆蔻黄酮类成分对胃溃疡寒证大鼠环核苷酸水平及交感神经-肾上腺轴的影响,探讨3味山姜属中药温热药性的物质基础。方法:采用灌服冰知母水煎液与15%冰乙酸制备大鼠胃溃疡寒证模型,以干姜姜辣素为阳性对照,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法测定腺苷酸环化酶(AC)、磷酸二酯酶2(PDE2)、环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)、环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、多巴胺β羟化酶(D-β-H)含量。结果:与空白组比较,胃溃疡寒证模型组大鼠胃组织AC、cAMP含量及cAMP/cGMP比值显著降低,PDE2含量显著升高(P<0.01)。与模型组比较,高良姜、大高良姜、红豆蔻高低剂量组大鼠胃组织AC含量升高;高良姜、大高良姜、红豆蔻高低剂量组大鼠胃组织PDE2含量显著降低,cAMP含量、cAMP/cGMP比值显著升高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:3味山姜属中药黄酮类成分通过调节胃溃疡寒证大鼠环核苷酸水平从而促进交感神经-肾上腺轴功能活动的作用,也体现出黄酮类成分药性温热。  相似文献   
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